A Selenium with C# Training provides comprehensive training on using the Selenium WebDriver tool with the C# programming language for automating web browsers. The course is designed to equip students with the skills needed to create powerful and efficient automated tests for web applications. It covers essential concepts related to web testing, Selenium WebDriver, C# programming, and best practices in test automation.
At Akshata IT institute, we understand the dynamic nature of the Selenium with C# testing field. Our curriculum covers a wide spectrum of topics, including automation and manual testing, all aligned with industry standards and certifications. Whether you choose our offline or online training option, you’ll receive personalized attention and hands-on experience to sharpen your testing acumen.
At Akshata IT, we offer comprehensive selenium with C# testing courses that cover the entire testing domain, including both automation and manual testing techniques. Our courses are meticulously designed to align with standard industry certifications, ensuring that our students are equipped with the most sought-after skills in the field of selenium with C# testing.
Students will get an overview of Selenium, an open-source tool used for automating web browsers, and its importance in software testing.
The course covers how to set up Selenium WebDriver with C# in different development environments and configure it for testing web applications.
Students will learn the basic commands and functions of Selenium WebDriver using C# to interact with web elements, navigate through web pages, and perform various actions.
The course includes techniques for handling different types of web elements such as text boxes, buttons, dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons using Selenium with C#.
Students will explore popular test automation frameworks like Unknit or MS Test and learn how to integrate them with Selenium for efficient test automation.
The course may cover data-driven testing in Selenium with C#, allowing students to create data sets and parameterize tests for executing test cases with multiple data inputs.
Students will understand the benefits of implementing the Page Object Model design pattern in Selenium with C# for better code reusability, readability, and maintenance.
The course may include instructions on how to perform cross-browser testing with Selenium and C# to ensure web applications work consistently across different browsers.
Students will learn how to run test cases in parallel using Selenium Grid with C# to reduce test execution time and increase test coverage.
The course may cover integrating Selenium tests with Continuous Integration (CI) tools like Jenkins or Azure DevOps for automated test execution in the software development pipeline.
Students will learn how to handle alerts, pop-ups, and dialogs in web applications using Selenium with C# to simulate user interactions effectively.
The course may include techniques for generating test reports and logging test results in Selenium with C# to track test execution and identify issues.
Students may explore advanced topics like Selenium Grid, handling dynamic elements, working with frames, and handling waits and synchronization in Selenium with C#.
The course will emphasize best practices for writing robust and maintainable test automation scripts with Selenium and C# to ensure long-term success in test automation projects.
Any Degree – B. Tech, BSc, B. Com, BBA, etc.
All IT & Non-IT Branches – CSE, EEE, Civil, Mech, Bio, etc.
Coding knowledge is required.
No CGPA cut-off. Career gap is not a barrier.
At Our Akshata IT institute Selenium C# certification course programs go beyond just theoretical knowledge. We believe in providing a holistic learning experience that encompasses technical training, aptitude enhancement, soft skills development, and practical hands-on sessions. Our job-oriented approach ensures that our students are not only well-versed in the technical aspects of software testing but also possess the necessary skills to excel in their careers.
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“Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec euismod, sapien ac fringilla tincidunt, eros nisl ultricies justo, a tincidunt eros mi ut velit. Mauris semper, massa eu semper mollis, tortor eros tristique erat, id lacinia lectus quam eu arcu.”
“Vivamus sit amet risus vitae leo semper semper. Nullam vel ligula et purus egestas semper. Phasellus ac elit eget quam pulvinar gravida. Sed mattis, nisi vel ullamcorper semper, tortor mauris fringilla sem, a gravida eros nulla sed augue. Donec elementum.”
“Vestibulum quis magna sed ligula lacinia vehicula. Nunc ac semper dolor. Donec ut quam eget augue semper iaculis. Vivamus egestas quam erat, eu tincidunt eros ultrices et. Donec iaculis, tellus a semper ultricies, enim tortor luctus nunc, et aliquam quam urna eu quam.”
“Sed ac sapien eu enim ultricies faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc et orci id sem interdum congue. Sed ac felis sit amet nisi faucibus bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.”